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Refunds and cancellation policy

Please inform us immediately if you anticipate being late or if you are unable to make your appointment. It is essential to notify us via a direct phone call, e-mail and WhatsApp as these are the only accepted methods for cancellation or rescheduling.

  • An automated reminder will be sent to you at least 48 hours before your appointment. For sessions lasting 60 minutes or less, we offer a 10-minute grace period. Arrival beyond this period will lead to the forfeiture of the session. For extensive 'top to tail' sessions, a 15-minute grace period is provided, after which our therapists will do their best within the remaining scheduled time without the option to rebook individual areas.
  • Our cancellation policy requires a 48-hour notice. Any changes or cancellations must be made before this window. Failure to attend your session for any reason, including family emergencies, train strikes, or work obligations, will result in the loss of your appointment.
  • Should your menstrual cycle coincide with an appointment, we offer a complimentary rebooking of bikini treatments if you prefer not to proceed with the session.
  • We ask for understanding in instances of staff sickness or emergencies, which are beyond our control; affected clients will be rescheduled.
  • In the event of technical issues with our equipment, we will need to reschedule your appointment for another day.


  • Laser Me Out enforces a strict no-refund policy on all services unless they are medically deemed unsuitable. In such cases, refunds are contingent upon notification of the medical issue within 14 days from the date of awareness. A refund is permissible only if no treatments – either individual sessions or packages – have commenced.
  • Refunds are not available under any circumstances after 14 days from the original purchase date.
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